On the 9th September, 2019 I was privileged to worship at the Cathedral of the National Headquarters Annex, Garki Abuja. This was to mark the 94th Anniversary of the Seraph band of the Holy Order. I am strong Seraph; born and bred! Yes, I am! The Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim fondly called the Holy Order is African brand of Christianity. For those who did the scientific study of religion otherwise called Religious Study in the university, they would have read about the Aladura Churches as a course. The Holy Order is at the fulcrum of it. Cherubim and Seraphim has however had many varieties over the years. It is for this reason you see a lot of white garment churches, as usually referred to, and many different forms of worship and practices. Many have turned their spiritualism into occultism but it is not my concern here. The point here is that Cherubim and Seraphim is not one particularly as there are many versions of the sect. Though all of them lay claim ...