I have most respectfully read views across sections and camps as the divide of government and opposition determines. I will however choose to respond to leaders in the government quarters of the moment. This is to say that my response is more in addressing the position held by the supporters of the present government in Imo State.
Many of them have argued especially that upon the dwindling economic fortunes of Nigeria, it has become practically impossible to to pay the salaries of Civil Servants and pensions to pensioners. For them, the FAAC share of Imo State has made it unrealistic and impracticable.
In reply to the above avowals of the sympathizers of Imo State government of the day and, by extension, all debtor governments like Imo State, I say this;
I think it is by this very clear as to why we fail in government here in Nigeria and, perhaps Africa. We see leadership only and exclusively from the perspective and prisms of power and its grabbing. For this reason we have seen the bustle and hustle of the political class in political seasons with teeth tightened to kill. The political holy creed in our precinct has remained fastened on the Machiavellian maxim of "the end justifies the means". Let me drop this point so quickly for a reference in time; I like it when our adoption of a principle is universalized. It simply means not being selective as to where to apply the so adopted maxim. If the end must justify the means, it should do so through and through, and in all cases.
Back to the main point of this consideration. We however forget the major aspect or crux of leadership which is essentially management of the scarce resources. A lot in leadership, of course, has to do with who gets what, when and how. Yes!
If our aspiring leaders are acquainted with the management of the scarce resources through the lacking means while arriving at the necessary destination of the good of all, our story will change for good. This is the point. As the end justify the means, let our politicians who get to power by every means possible having the ends left to justify the means also wriggle out of the economic crises and downturn and convey our people to the end of leadership which is the good of all. The end must not justify the means on power and cease to justify the means on management of the scarce resources. The end must not keep justifying the means on power grabbing but refuse to do same in procuring the good of all in the state.
It is time for our political leadership aspirants to unlearn the monopolarity of power and learn the bipolarity of power and management skill. For power without management skills is a waste of political leadership era.
I am,
The Philosopher King
Kemka S. Ibeji has hit the nail on the head with rapt attention. You are on the side of the people who are undeveloped, undernourished, underkitted and left to be hareassess by the tinges of poverty by the various governments in Imo and Abia State.