It was William Shakespeare in his book TWELFTH NIGHT who posited that "some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em". Indeed leadership is an attitude that is innate and grows endlessly. This is purely advertised in the nature, existence, gait, life and entire being of Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu. He is a leader crafted with the finest elements of creation.
The former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation has sent messages across his supporters and support groups to adopt sanity, wisdom, clarity of purpose and outline of developmental poise of his campaign as a mode of operation. For him, only those who are not creative see challenges, criticisms and opposition as a threat. In his message, he admonished the team that is yet to be commissioned for the job ahead to begin their gathering with absolute and impeccable modesty.
Following this powerful soul touching leadership introduction of Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu and his team of Thinkers, one of his strongest supporters and his voice is the new media, KEMKA S. IBEJI, has reached out to his team of publicity heralds and all members of the National Conscience Watch (NCW) to ensure that the prayers of their principal and candidate is carried out without fail.
This is a testament that the new Nigeria that will be introduced by Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu as the gracious successor of President Muhammadu Buhari in 2023 will be one led by knowledge and not naked power. This is actually what Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu stands for. He is a man of great wits, an embodiment of wisdom, a personification of knowledge, tolerance, perseverance and respect. Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu believes in the humanity built on mutual respect, undisturbed humility and abundant understanding.
It is no wonder he advocates a knowledge based economy for Nigeria as against a commodity based economy. From the patterns of political aspiration being ushered in by Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu with this message of peace in political campaigns, we shall be seeing a peaceful season of elections guided by advancement of good tidings for Nigeria which will be a drastic shift from the chaotic political moments of the past.
What else do we need in a leader? Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu has started his journey to Aso Rock Villa with a message of peace, wisdom, understanding, mutual respect, prosperity of all and unity of collective mind.
We pray that Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu happens to Nigeria in 2023. God bless him and the entire Nigeria.
From the desk of;N
ational Conscience Watch (NCW)
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