COVID 19 AND COCONUT (Cocus nucifera). Written by Comr. Isaac Obinyan
Comr. Isaac Obinyan |
We are not just interested in the coconut, we are particularly interested in the raw/fresh/ unrefined coconut oil or coconut milk(the type you use for your coconut rice).
I will start by telling you some of the things most people know about coconut, things you can read up in books and search on the internet then I will tell you what I found out through my private research.
A lot of people know that consuming coconut and its oil improves; liver function, digestion, heart heath,…slows aging, improves hair growth…controls blood pressure and blood sugar.
I have however discovered that coconut milk/coconut oil has very strong antiviral capacity and may be useful for treatment of COVID-19 and this is why I think so;
Coconut contains several fatty acids, caprilic, capric, MCFAs… monolaurin and lauric acid. Out of all the aforementioned, the last two are fatty acids of interest considering the focus of our subject of discourse. Lauric acid and monolaurin both have excellent broad spectrum antiviral capacity and deal with viruses in 3 different ways;
1. They destroy the viral envelope.
2. They can truncate the later part of viral growth thereby preventing the virus from reproducing/replicating.
3. They can also inhibit the virus from attaching itself to the cells of the infected person.
I remember my late grandma used to treat malaria blisters (herpes simplex virus HSV) with coconut extract. Currently there is sufficient research literature to back up her claim claim. Coconut consumption has been shown to inhibit the replication of HSV 1and 2.
I strongly believe these two fatty acids found in coconut oil will kill the virus and subsequently reduce the viral load in an infected person then the immune system can finish the job. While you are on this therapy, it is wise if you take herbs that will increase your WBC and subsequently your immunity.
What I have recommended here is affordable and risk free- It is just coconut.
It is better you buy your coconut yourself and do the preparation yourself. As for the coconut oil sold in shops, the harsh processing may have destroyed the monolaurin and lauric acids. And if you can not go through the stress, please eat coconut everyday. If you are able to produce the oil, two table spoons daily for adults and one tablespoon for children will be sufficient to ensure that monolaurin and lauric acid is in your body system.
I am also working on Pycanthus and another plant extract, both have strong antiviral properties, until I get a head way, please make do with the coconut therapy it will work. I assure you.
I feel privileged to be able to contribute my quota. My contribution is free. The product of my research is free. If you know things that will help my current research feel free to talk to me. No man is an Island. I just want to help.
Comrade Isaac Obinyan
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