MONOPOLY ON LEGITIMATE USE OF VIOLENCE AS A CHARACTERISTIC OF GOVERNMENT: ROCHAS OKOROCHA AND FAMILY ON YET ANOTHER ILLEGALITY It is a truism that before government nay the state, the use of naked power and physical violence was in the hands of all who can and may. This is clearly witnessed in the theories of the social contractarians viz; Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau. According to Hobbesian rendering in the state of nature, life was brutish nasty, solitary and short. It was war of all against all. This shows how liberalized the use of force or violence was. Mind you, this is in the state of nature. By this time there was no government and no state. Here in the state of nature, it was like wherever and whatever page you can find, you read along. However, at the wake of human social organization, there was need for sanity, orderliness and leadership. At this point, all citizens submitted their whims and caprices, their wills and freewill to the leviatha...