Is it a curse to be African? By KEMKA S. IBEJI

I read with great dismay the news item from rocklandhousetv an article from one of the heroes of Ebola virus. The story line struck me with such astonishment that I have refused to stop asking myself many questions about Africa and her leadership. Are we really willing and ready to grow Africa beyond the relics of backwardness and ruins? Do our leaders nay politicians understand what sacrifice and dedication mean? Does it really make any sense to do anything good for Africa and Africans? Read the article that follows to examine yourself and the African child, thereafter turn to appraise our leadership. THE LAMENTATION OF A SCORNED HERO By rocklandhousetv “Four years later, African Union has remembered to present me and my colleagues with Medal of Honor for stopping Ebola in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea – Omeni Korobia I dedicate this to Dr Stella A Adedevor and Justina Ejelonu. You guys are the real heroes, you died for us all. Adadevor stopped Sawyer . He ma...