Make money, get rich and wealthy
Talking to young people these days has turned one of my serious areas of focus. I have chosen this vocation because of what it has to do for our people and our society as the days go by. One can simply say that I have ventured into mentoring program for the young people.

I didn't address it as mentoring but every meaning is in context. Perhaps my recent concentration is a foray into mentoring.

Born in a moderate home where people will think it is all rosy for you most times comes with a huge challenge. Many who are also born into lower homes have also complained about the same challenge that most perceived rich children a faced with. The truth is, the world is a playground for all and opportunities abound for everyone.

Most times I have seen graduates who left school for years roaming the streets seeking for jobs. A lot of them were actually the best students while in school. A lot of them get despaired and start growing issues around their personality. Many of them start having dislocations with their self-esteem. At this very moment in their lives, there is a serious turning point. Yes! I call it turning point because crisis set in and however the crisis is handled determines the future of the lad. At this point, many are forced to think and break the bounds while many capitulate and hand themselves to fate of their environment.

Here the issue of dream comes in but with a very little significance to the ordinary mind. Just as someone stuck in life's motionlessness, it may seem your dreams of becoming a world known industrialist or entrepreneur or whatever has hit the rock. At this point many abandon their hobbies and chase anything that comes. It is not usually a bad one because it all has to do with the human survival instinct and preservation of life.

Most people hold strongly on their dreams but yet without realizable features. They tell you a lot about their target but bereft of ideas on how to get there. Yes! Dreams but what next? You need a lift at this time but it all depends on you. You still need to search out this lift yourself. Do not stay put; move around and search.

The very most important thing always is to make a move. Just start! Get your hands on something and draft your dream around it as a springboard.

Most times I usually encourage undergraduates and young graduates to get a skill. This is my very simple way of distracting them from focusing on waiting for jobs. Getting a skill is more like creating more jobs. For those who have acquired one skill or the other, that is the surest place to start life. But for those who do not have any skill at all, I encourage to start any little job. My idea about starting the little job is not to remain on the job but to have the job as a moment of apprenticeship.

Is the job in the financial sector, agricultural sector, trade and commerce, technology, production or whatever? This is a moment to acquire your skill and set up something for yourself. Most times, young people always mistake means for an end. They also mistake the symptom for the sickness. Get focused on your dreams but do not be delusional.

I have also had the opportunity to experience a lot of things as someone who didn't get immediate job after school. Using the Nigerian parlance, being on the street allows you to meet a lot of people and have a lot of experiences. The irony is that those in the street usually don't take notice of many of the opportunities that call then because they usually don't come in the dress they assume. A lot of good things pass them while they keep searching elsewhere.

My words to job seekers most times are to make best use of every opportunity they have. Learn from every moment of your want and search because you may never have such opportunity again.

Once you start seeing your moment of searching as a time to gather experiences, you would have conquered despair. You also will not be losing your self-esteem and your personality will never suffer any disorder. In fact, you will become thicker and stronger.

The idea is to make a move, start small and grow little by little.

Celebrate with successful people, do not envy them. Rejoice with those whose time has come but get back to your trenches and dig towards your goal. Do not compare yourself with anybody unless those who are guiding you towards your dream on the same career.

Make a move, get moving, little by little, be focused, follow your plans and keep yourself on your toes with your blueprint as your guide. Always move with time because time exists because of you. Always examine yourself, your strategy and your progress. Do not dwell on your mistakes, correct them and get going. Learn at every moment of your movement.

Get someone or something to look up to. It is called target and it helps your focus.

Now be scientific enough and not fictional or imaginary. Do things that are realistic and not depend on faith or fate. Always remember that your faith and fate are somebody's making. Be part of the world's faith, fate and destiny.

Once you find yourself in the situation of searching as described within here, be assured that you have a seed of greatness in you. You also need to read up great men and women who have changed the course of history. It will be clearer to you that they were once in your situation. Those who saw difficulty in climbing take details to heart and hardly fall quickly.

Get to work today, choose an area of competence, get to details on it, study and understand the rules of it, then get to work. Learn more in the process, better your skills on it but make sure you enjoy what you are doing.

Now, think about this;

1. What area do you like playing in?

2. What skills do you have about it?

3. What plans do you have about it now and the future?

4. Are you afraid of the largeness of the dream?

5. Can you find a space to start?

6. Then get started!

Check out these areas;

A. Marketing;
Every importer and every manufacturer needs a marketer. Can you develop a supply chain and create the network that can take up a container load of;
i. Wines
ii. Babies
iii. Etc.

B. Real estate;
i. Agency

C. Finance;
i. Book keeping
ii. Auditing
iii. Savings, thrift and loans
iv. Cooperative societies
v. Etc.

D. Agriculture;
i. Cropping
ii. Fishery
iii. Snailing
iv. Poultry
v. Red oil processing, packaging and retail
vi. Agricultural processing
vii. Floor making
viii. Etc.

E. Technology;
i. Web design
ii. Basic ICT
iii. Programming
iv. Software and hardware
v. Blogging
vi. Etc

F. Production;
i. Soap making
ii. Perfume making
iii. Bead making
iv. Ice cream making
v. Cake making
vi. Confectionery
vii. Etc.

G. Skills;
i. Welding
ii. Barbing
iii. Blogging
iv. Writing
v. Hair dressing
vi. Fashion and design
vii. Makeup and beauty
viii. Etc.

Do you know you ordinarily cannot be richer than your employer if you remain under his or her employment?

Do you know that the emotional pressure you experience as an independent or self-employed person is a push to get greater?

Do not wait for capital anymore. Start with the one that has to do with what you have to start then see the rest work out.

I wish you success as I expect to see you at the top.

I am,


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