More harm to humanity if states, nations and the world continue this way.
When we continue to build cars without building personnel to man them.
As we continue to manufacture warheads, arms and armory without forming human morality.
I just got tired of reading treads on the social media.
Ministers, Special Advisors, Aides and the like are placeholders for the President. To this therefore, the President is responsible for their actions and inactions.
It is for this responsibility that he/she (the President) receives reward for the performance on the delegated power to the Minister, SA, Aides etc.
But do not forget that reward is either positive or negative. A worry turns up when one is pretty willing to take the praise from his/her delegated power but never to own up to the blame accruing from the use or performance upon same delegated power.
Both praise and blame share a source which is responsibility. Praise is the reward that comes from good engagement of the delegated power while blame is the reward that emanates from the bad practice of the same delegated power.
However, the ultimate responsibility resides in the one who delegated such power.
Nigerians should be educated on primary concepts in government. Such concepts as Delegation of power, Delegated legislation, Separation of power, Checks and balances, Unicameralism and Bicameralism, Recall, Referendum, Plebiscite, Presidential and Parliamentary systems of government, Unitarianism, Federalism and Confederalism, Gerrymandering, Enfranchisement and Disenfranchisement, Immigration and Emigration etc.
This little will allow our social media commentators to contribute more efficiently and better informed. I read with dismay the degree of political ignorance swimming in the blood streams of the Nigerian citizenry.
GOODLUCK JONATHAN is responsible for the last administration's good and bad deeds; he was the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Ministers, SAs etal are responsible to the degrees of personal doings.
Thank you Nigeria...
Leadership is a responsibility...