
Mr. President Sir,
I send my most profound 53rd Independence Anniversary greetings to you in the spirit of cognisant national devotion and genuine patriotism.
Sir, your 53rd Independence Broadcast is historic to indicate what I will want to call the POSITIVE AMALGAMATION. Just as your administration has been historic in very many ways, you are on the path of making a great history for our nation in getting a new and ‘Nigerian people’s interest considered’ amalgamation and on that note, I take up my pen to write assistance to you in this PAX-NIGERIANA.
As you announce the formation of the national dialogue, I render my humble self available to assist you on the complementary (but subtle) task for you to strongly stamp this most fundamental history book; NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND IDENTITY PROJECT. Nigeria and Nigerians need a new way of thinking, they need a philosophy. For this reason, it has become pertinent to simultaneously hold a countrywide mental indoctrination and psycho-culture scheme. You can achieve this Sir.
I have done extensive research with my crew of experts on consciousness/identity and have got the hitherto undisclosed solution. In association with best Nigerian scholars across the world, we will infiltrate the national consciousness to the point of the subconscious using television, radio, books, articles, journals, phones, newspapers, internet, shows, conferences, workshops, lecture sessions, awards, speeches, religion, morals, ethics, rallies, schools, music, movies, age groups, pear-groups, movements, campaigns and crusades, mobilisations, enlightenment programmes, dialogues, consultations, teaching and learning programmes etc. Our secret is systemic and methodic. We will only use AIR to get the result.
All I pray for is your approval and ownership to this mission as an exclusive project of the PRESIDENCY. Attached herein is an abridged copy of the project manual. However, I am willing to expose this project if I am given the opportunity to talk with my PRESIDENT.
With humility built on patriotism, I beg that you accept my 53rd Independence gift to you Sir.

Yours faithfully,


A priceless exclusive 53rd Independence Anniversary gift to
Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
(President and Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria)
This document is created and owned by Aireason Limited and her certified associates as an intellectual property and is guided by the spirit of patriotism. No part of this document is to be appropriated by any person, group or institution, in part or whole, without the express permission of the creator. However, we intend to share association of ideas with all progressives in the pursuit of the goals enshrined in this document. We therefore enjoin you to join us and not steal away from this noble course.


Kemka Solomon Ibeji was born to the family of Godson and Charity Ibeji in Umuokoro Ikenga Eziudo in Ezinihitte Local Government Area of Imo State. His father Godson Ibeji was a Christian priest before his death in 2007 at the age of 84 years while Kemka was on his way back from where he went to pay service to his fatherland in the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) scheme. Kemka’s mother Mrs. Charity Ibeji is a devout Christian mother, a seer in the Holy Order and a prophetess. They are members of Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim & Seraphim.
Kemka S. Ibeji had his primary and secondary education in Town School Eziudo and Eziudo Secondary Technical School respectively. He simply always emerged the best. He bagged his first degree BA. (Hons.) in Philosophy from University of Calabar where he graduated as the Best Graduating Student in 2005. In 2011 he completed his postgraduate degree (Master of Arts) in philosophy from University of Ibadan. In University of Ibadan he also got the best result to proceed to his PhD in philosophy.
Kemka is an expert in logic and intelligence, ethics and metaphysics, intentionality, consciousness and identity. He has done great researches in these purviews. As a patriotic pragmatist, Kemka has chosen a new phase of life to create a psycho-philosophy and conscious identity for his dear country Nigeria.
Kemka S. Ibeji can only succeed in this pursuit in association with the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria hence this 53rd Independence gift.

Life is built on destiny and the universe is ordered with and by intelligence unknown. High above dwells the sky that houses the moist which awaits a season to trudge down and wet the floors of the earth. On this plane flows the floods that move with grace, fierce and force. The waters that without hands threaten our folks and kinsmen, pulls down grate walls and wash away strong stands. Beneath the earth resides the sea; a wonder of life.
Destiny anoints and ornaments kings. Your dynasty is no exception to this truism. Kings are built with wondrous charms that attract only the best. It is for this reason that the rich come to kings with priceless gifts and call at their doors with dignified possessions. The poor also visit the gates of kings with the most valuables from their ban. In that same force of natural culture, this contains my fattest oxen as I tender even in my paucity of human acquaintances. The greatest I have is ideas and that I humbly honour you with.
Mr. President works hard to secure the life and property of Nigerian citizens, to create jobs, to provide energy and power, to govern most exceedingly well, to build infrastructure, to maintain peace, and to do many more. You do all this with a lot of compatriots who besiege your office to aid you.
But a question for you Sir; what do you think about the mind of the nation?
Kemka S. Ibeji offers to help you in engineering national consciousness and identity. Let me work with you and for you; let me take the burden to assist you in doing this. The noble reward of praises that accrue from it will be yours Sir.
You can do it and become the best that Nigerians have ever wanted!

Ours has recently become a state that depends on the foreigner to tell us what is either good or bad for us. Ours has, most unfortunately, become a conglomerate of persons that await those from outside our sovereignty to tell us when to divide and when we will regrettably cease in existence as a nation. Ours has become a place with plethora of notoriously exemplary violence. We now live just for the day. Is there any hope for the future of our dear nation?
YES! There is hope and here is the vista for such.
Before the incursion of the colonialists into Africa, African nations and people have lived in relative harmony within minute governmental systems and organisations. We ruled ourselves in our rich diversities and had robust science and technology comparable to and sincerely better than any other across the globe. History will take us to the institutions of family, clans, villages and towns, dynasties etc. At the wake of the 20th century, Nigeria became an entity by bringing diverse brothers and sisters from East, West, North and South together. Though this gathering may not have had the interest of the native people at the background, we came to live together. However, are we to continually take this as a curse, keeping blind eyes on the overt benefits accruable from it? Or are we to commence on a bid to reconstruct this communion into a blessing in disguise? Do we not have anything in common upon which we can rebuild and strengthen our union? How long and how successful can we exist as a nation with little or no mental identity or national philosophy and psychology?
These hitherto ignored questions have hunted our dear country to a perilous hurt. It has also almost destroyed the fabrics of our social and political community. Right from leadership to education, from our economy to politics, from health to security and safety, our national life has been in doubt. This has led to certain definition of Nigeria as a mere geographical carve-out. Or can anyone dispute this point to a logical conclusion?
The whole issue boils down to the problem of identity. Considering the diversity of our cultures, the conspicuous existential differences among our various ethnic groups, the eye-catching varieties in our linguistic import and a whole lot more, one thing has consistently been missing and defeated; real national self-hood. We simply can see national ‘selves’ at every glance at our society but not a unifying ‘national personality’.
When we say national personality, we mean that self-hood of a group of people who have wittingly subjected all their differences to oneness and have abandoned implements of divisive diversity to embrace the facts and factors of binding consciousness. This is an abandonment of absolute individualism, jingoistic ethnicism, religious extremism, prejudiced and chauvinistic sectionalism, cultural arrogance, and belief bigotry for the establishment and upliftment of nationalism. This leads to conscious and un-coerced patriotism.
This sort of patriotism is not to be enforced but willingly embraced, practised and engaged for mental and sensual harmonious co-existence of all. This marks the beginning of nation-hood in this craved new collective self-hood. But how is this possible?
There is the need for this project as its pursuit is to build a national philosophy and entice orientation towards it. The aims and objectives of this endeavour will sway in all state-run veins and run through the length and breadth of our country’s life. It is a mission to create an identity for Nigeria.
Our conviction to engage in this project is that it is achievable through appropriation of positive and exemplary portents experienced within and outside our national shores. This will be realised as we attempt to exorcise extraneous infiltrations that have weakened the bonding propensities discoverable in our socio-political milieu. The first questions will be to find out the things that we essentially share as members of the same community. The second approach will be to look out for those differences that can enhance profitable interchange. The third tool will therefore take the form of synthesis and synergy built from the admixture of the accruing profits of the first and second tools. 
The result that comes from the aforesaid Trinitarian methodology of national building is a resounding national philosophy. Simply put, if and when we harness the profitable tendencies from our similarities and differences, and building a lifestyle out of its effective mixing we would have succeeded in creating a national way of life for ourselves. Philosophy in this manner becomes a way of life and a form of culture which guides our thinking and conditions our general approach to national psyche and life in totality. 
When this is not found in our national life, and when we make no effort to build a foundation for general lifestyle as a cohabiting group of human persons, the differences of divisive forms inevitably take pre-eminence and predominate. This must always be found in human life as nature allows no void or vacuum. For this reason, it is imperative to form and assert a structure of living; an identity upon which the distillation of our sameness of conscience and share of value will crystallize.
This cannot be attained without structural build-up. It has to be planned and executed with sincerity and efficiency of performance in an all-embracing conduct and forthrightness. In this regard, what we are trying to create is a value that commands acceptance, ownership, service, respect or honour, and defines countrywide life. In defining life, this value must be inculcated deep down our subconscious states and therefore become a tool of judgement of that which is acceptable or not, good or bad, right or wrong.
The patterns of this engagement will encapsulate the fabrics of our social being from infancy to adulthood. To this, we intend to craft the benefits of this social engineering pursuit into educational modules from kindergarten to tertiary educational institutions in our land. It is through this that we are to build a form of consciousness that is skin deep and impactful. In a very common way of saying, we can simply affirm that we will sleep and wake with this consciousness, work and eat with this identity, dress with it, speak and listen with it, teach and learn from it, live and died for it. 
When the Great Greek philosopher Plato made his populous maxim that “until philosophers become Kings or Kings become philosophers, the world will know no peace,” he was sincerely alluding to the fact that any nation or society that has no guiding philosophy is as good as dead. Let us now grant life to our nation through creating a value around which our differences will be appropriated for good and venerated for collective excellence; it is high time.       
When Nigerians call for a Sovereign National Conference or crave for the Conference of Ethnic Nationalities; it is national consciousness and identity that they hunger and yearn for.
We can achieve it!

To foster stronger national unity and development by establishing a common national identity and collective consciousness. 

To make Nigeria a safe place of pride in the burgeoning and globalising world order through building a noble national philosophy and growing citizenship in that accord.

1.      Conceptualisation of valid national psychology and construction of group-mind towards national unity.
2.           Using religion as a tool to national union and peace (Cleansing of fanaticism).
3.           Building a countrywide strength through harnessing of ethnic diversities as such.
4.         Training our social and political leadership in consonance with nascent trends in multi-cultural polity/community for effective governance.
5.          Re-enactment of cultural values on appreciable overlay and building it on acceptability as a way to neo-national life and understanding.
6.      To appropriate certain viable tendencies in the humanities through enhancing ethical standard of living as the only adequate and sufficient way to a new national lifestyle.
7.        To re-create rural orientations through informed rural wealth creation mechanisms and resource engagement while tapping within countryside or rural vicinities.
8.   Attempt to enshrine some forms of rural industrialisation and generating massive employment thereof as a door to bottom-up national development.
9.        Using a kind of citizenship education and civil rights enculturation as a vehicle through which this new way of national lifestyle will be transmitted from infancy to tertiary education.
10.   Taking government to the micro-communities for holistic imparting and grassroots impact assessment. 
11.    Creating an avenue for the citizens to have a sense of national ownership which will allow them build love and trust along this national feeling.
12.   Giving way towards a possible means to national love and trust which will serve as basis for national security and safety.
13.  Establishing specialised continual education for sustenance and qualitative national leadership.
14.  Sourcing national development through promoting positive national history and emphasising the hitherto pride spots of the nation’s life.
15.         Crafting an acceptable national image that gives confidence and advances pride.
16.         Re-engineering and generating fascinating national conscience for socio-political and economic morality.
17.         Creating a national philosophy and building a cultural lifestyle around it.

KEMKA S. IBEJI and his seasoned consultants came up with this NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND IDENTITY project after rigorous research on the existential challenges of African nations in general and Nigeria in particular. This project is arrived at as a panacea for the current problems troubling and bedevilling our nation Nigeria. While many have resigned to fate concluding that owing to the diversities inherent in Nigerian state, there won’t be any cohesion whatsoever between all constituent parts of the nation, our research brought us to the place of possible accord and unity for Nigeria.
In our research, we reviewed very many other nations across the world with multi-culture. One of them and an exciting one is the United States of America.  A striking instance of this is found in The Guardian newspaper of Thursday July 5, 2012 (page 4) in the speech of the President of the United States of America while swearing in Servicemen as American citizens. Among these servicemen was Oluwatosin Akinduro a Nigerian. President Barack Obama in his speech said “It brings me great joy and inspiration because it reminds us that we are a country that is bound together not simply by ethnicity or bloodlines, but by fidelity to a set of ideas.” United States of America is as diverse as, if not more than, Nigeria in ethnicity and multi-cultural fusion but their unity has been built on such simple ideas as ‘equality and justice’.
Our research has yielded some fruits that can be enlarged to tighten our bond as a nation considering our own unique experiences as a people. This is what this whole project is all about; institutionalising the facts and features of bonding within the fabrics of our collective national life. To make this a reality, we have carved out stratagem to sink our hard-found social prophylactics into the blood stream of the holistic national components of Nigerian state.
To undertake the foregoing, we are engaging renowned personalities across the world to form our solution into learning systems. In this vein, we have gathered sound and prolific philosophers, psychologists, anthropologists, social workers, educationists, social psychologists, lawyers, historians, African scholars, diplomats, scientists, technologists, playwrights, theatre artists, linguists, specialists in multiculturalism and very many other professionals. Their bid in this gathering is locating and injecting the acquired values into the society in all ranks and at all stages of the citizenry.
In this accord our target encompasses the infants, the adolescents and the adults respectively. In this regard, we are building into the polity through our sight on the leadership of the nation. This takes us to fashion workshop series for public office holders across board; all strata of local government workers, all workers of all ministries, all staff of all federal and state agencies, all commissioners in all the states, and all teachers in the nation.
However, we also have a specialised package within the larger project for all schools in Nigeria starting from the kindergarten through primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions. Part of the tools for this project is to come in the form of well researched document which would be distributed to all members of the Nigerian nation.
The result of it all will be an emergence of a nation of our mind and pride where all citizens will claim and have ownership to the state and willingly offer overall self to the maintenance of the superstructure which is our great nation Nigeria.

The viable tools of this project will employ the following paramount species of our national being:
1.      National self-hood/identity
2.      Leadership training
3.      Citizenship education
4.      Rural industrialisation
5.      Cultural re-invigoration
6.      Multiculturalism
7.      Value re-orientation
8.      Religion and religious extremism
9.      Life and value to life
10.  Etc.
As we strive to build a nation of our mind, the most important phase of the holistic project therefore must be enlightenment. Every citizen of our great nation must partake in this national occupation. The importance of this is enormous. First, it will engender trust in the whole task. Secondly, it will bring about commitment to the pursuit. Thirdly, it will raise unity of purpose which necessitates desired result.
Bearing this in mind, we therefore must find a means to reaching the grassroots and involving general public. To be effective in this bid, the rural communities inhabited by greater percentage of our population must be drafted into the scheme in order employ its potentials for nation building. Of great substance in achieving this purpose is rural and grassroots leadership. For that reason, and consequent upon the structure of our current society, reaching out to the 774 local government leadership in Nigeria is paramount.
Nevertheless, it is a truism that the economic potentials of the Local Government Areas in Nigeria today are inexhaustible. However, the same Local Government Areas are where the bulk of the nation’s wealth is idly wasting away. Mass farmlands in favourable ecosystems for food production of commercial value for export have over the years been abandoned in favour of one commodity; the black gold or the crude oil. Pitiably, Nigeria is still battling with the fundamentals of first industrial revolution after 52 years of independence.
In the light of the foregoing, fashioning and constructing a structured national identity and consciousness is needy and an unavoidable call. But to answer this call, the tools highlighted above must be employed.
Though the cost of this project is enormous in terms of time engagement, intellectual investment and financial muscles, we are not deterred. We are encouraged by the fact that, however costly education may seem, ignorance is more expensive. But what makes it more fascinating is that it has a lot to do with conscience nurturing and self-examination. Could this be the same crossroad where the Greek society found itself when one her greatest thinkers – Socrates – averred that ‘an un-examined life is not worth living’ and therefore made his popular maxim ‘man know thyself’?  
The importance of knowledge at this instance no longer can be ignored. These will invariably akin knowledge to virtue. Here we also underscore that most people who engage in social vices do so out of ignorance. This is evident in the regrets that come when they are caught. Many criminals in our society today would have abhorred their acts if they were knowledgeable of the consequences of such. But knowing their ignorance, those who use them capitalise on their lack of knowledge and then feed them with wrong knowledge. Many of those who detonate bombs today in the north, those who kidnap in the south, a great number of those who engage in armed robbery may not have done so were they properly educated on the damage their actions are capable of causing.
Sanitizing the general Nigerian public psyche and providing it with some moral prophylactics become the vital heart of this mission. Besides this moral inculcation, we are poised with economic empowerment of the jobless youth as a fundamental utensil to bringing about a politically, economically, socially and morally sound Nigeria for all.
Our gracious achievements in this vein will count in numbers including attainment of national unity, shunning of violence and the spate of killings characteristic of our current national existence, abandonment of political thuggery, abdication of armed robbery, rejection of sectionalism, religious fanaticism, kidnapping and many other social vices and in turn live together in peace and harmony sharing a collective desire for peaceful co-existence and economic development. Hence the need to revive that loyalty to the course of true national self-consciousness and collective identity without which we may never realise our cravings for progress in diverse ways, we must stimulate the factors of a binding collective consciousness and identity for national development.    
Many say that as Nigeria clocks a hundred years, the chatter that brought them together has expired and they can therefore go their separate ways. Very many others are of the view that Nigerians should come together through a sovereign national conference to discuss why and how we should be together. All these are different ways of saying one thing; that our country Nigeria is in dire need of an identity.
However, what no one has picked up in all these years of quests is the duty to discover and establish this identity. This makes this project novel and elevates it as a sine qua non if our country must be and continue as one. But it is not just being or continuing as one, but being with such bond that curries development and stability. If this project is actualised, Nigeria will gain a deserving place on the global map.
It is for this reason that all hands must be on deck; men and women, boys and girls, big and small, rich and poor, the educated and uneducated, leaders and followers, the government and the governed. Let us all support this noble drive to make Nigeria the real Giant of Africa and the rightful proud home of the “Black Race” across the world. Posterity is watching us!

Long live National Consciousness and identity project!
Long live one destiny for all our citizens!!
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!


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