Just early in the morning
Even as I wake to daylights
From the shimmering morning rays
To the blistering noon shines
Then the soothing departing glimpses
They serve not themselves
It's all about others and all
It rains on all and sundry
Washing off the unwanted
Refreshing all things possible
Adding strength to nature
And power to humanity
It just serves others and all
The sweet breezes
Sauntering our cardinal points
With grace and glamour
Giving to life all it could offer
It does it so joyously
Just for all matter and all
The trees have done even theirs
Carrying the winds in their arms
Their services are for all
The lilies and roses?
Their fragrance and allure
Who do they not bless
From the butterflies to maggots
Don't they pollinate and farm?
Their works we know are for all
The bee and the termites
They and others feed and nourish us
The sun and moon
They warm and brighten others
The rains water and winds refresh
The tress and flowers spread
Flies and ants do their bits
Can you imagine that?
It's all about others and not self
Why have you not wondered?
Haven't you worried about it?
Do they not seem more reasonable?
Can our leaders be their equals?
Who's better and who should?
Tell it to yourself!
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