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A country that her leadership thinks nothing else but stealing, cheating, embezzlement, graft, illicit riches and unguarded avarice. Nothing is considered about the future. No thought is spared on adequate and focused education. Our cultures are never touched in the light of globalisation and so they are fast going into oblivion. Not even a language in Nigeria is made to be scientific. All we have everywhere are murderers of our value systems and destroyers of moral uprightness.
Excellence is on serial death row and capacity is sentenced to infinite abandonment. While we got admitted into the university at the eve and birth of the new millennium, we were all greeted with such concepts as Y2K, Y2K Compliant, Globalisation and so on. We were told that the world is going to be a global village and that space will be diminished. Thinkers of that era said a lot in the direction of how any country can play and remain relevant. Essentially, it was made obvious that monoculturalism will give way for pluralism and multiculturalism. The implication is that acculturation will be the order of the day in the new world.
The import of all the foregoing is the remarkable death end and the allegorical nunc dimittis to exclusively autochthonous societies. The Internet went up with the satellites infiltrating every nook and cranny of the global ecosystem and penetrating deeply into cultures and turning them into very new realities. While these were happening, nations and countries with healthy and thinking leadership began to reposition themselves for a space to be accommodated in the scheme of events. Languages got eclectic imbibing newness and expanding frontiers while cultures were intensely enlarging their horizons.
Unfortunately, Nigeria was dancing to the mockery of the sweet crude oil. The country abandoned agriculture, denied themselves of forward thinking ideas and focused on how to cheat one another in sharing the butty. Laziness became a relish as scallywags forced themselves upon the throne. Morals took a leave, sanity died, competence was frazzled while excellence was jettisoned.
Favouritism, prebendalism, nepotism, partisanship, clanishism, inequality, reverse discrimination, unfair prejudice, disoriented presuppositions, inequity, vicious ambition, unfaithfulness, lopsidedness and all manner of public service vices were beatified, venerated and glorified. Ensconced majestically at the center stage, they began to dictate the trend, state, status, stand, speed and pace of our socio-economic and political devolution. Things began to grow in the reverse and cultural values began to give way to all species of decadence.
At the fulcrum of government and leadership is security of lives and property. If there is any indices of measuring the achievement of any government in any part of the planet earth, the decimal is security, safety and well-being of the citizens.
Ours has become a den of criminals where your definition as a man gains credence by being animalistic to the brim and barbaric to the core. Inviolability has escaped from the the features defining human kind. Human life has no more worth as unwarranted death, killings and murder of sorts have become a new normal. Human existence is devolving so rapidly that it sounds an inescapable truth to predict that the next number of generations may be worse than apes and beasts.
How did we get here? What is the hope for the future? Who will save our country? Which roads will lead us back to our lost paths? Where is the future headed?
Our government is now a power beggar pleading on her knees to criminals. We, on daily basis, are inundated with pictures, videos and confessions of our government personnel sitting armless with fully armed terrorists in negotiations. They take instructions and orders from those brazenly dirty and uncanny wretches. Any criticism against such dastardly unlawful acts by the government is chastised with gag and approximate death.
All of the actions of our government have remained fertilisers to crimes without specificity. The government has become the handmaid terrorism and variegated crimes. The armed forces, the police, the paramilitary and all law enforcement outfits whom the citizenry delegated their will to have all turned against their creators and establishers; the masses. The spate of kidnappings, murder, killings, assassinations and sundry social insanities; the continuous humiliation, extortion, exploitation, subjugation, dehumanisation and all such by the government actors against the citizens are clear pointers to the suspicion that the government is in alliance with the outlaws against the citizens. This suspicion is rich and wealthy on all logical scales.
One now may be certain of tomorrow! It is the fact that the people of Nigeria are left with just one option. Only one choice and that is to turn and become enemies of the government. The virile prediction is that since the government is already armed by the people and cannot be disarmed as such without a fight, the next season of our national life will witness grave violence and largely so against the government.
It is only valid to imagine that you will do when a house guard you employed, pays salary, bought guns for now turns the barrel against you commanding and your household contrary to your whims while raping your wife and defiling your daughters. What strength of valour will you assert when eventually by deus ex machina or the hand of God you gain balance of terror? I'm sure you will wipe out such hired guard out of the surface of the earth with a fling or blink. This is the picture to be suffered by the government if precautions are quickly and immediately taken. But time is fast ticking off.
The lives of our government officials, security officers and law enforcement personnel are getting more and more imperiled by each passing day but the government seems numb and insensitive. This is either by virtue of incompetence or dumb treachery. Whichever of the options, the government is indicted. The sole way to salvaging the impending implosion and evading the imminent social disaster is by quickly drafting measures to reestablish equality, equity, fairness, trust, rule of law and public service virtues in such vehemence and with torrential magnitude that will be loudly noticeable and acceptable by the masses. Anything impressively less than the above will not be significant enough to douse the social tremor that brews.
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