Dear daughter
If I have your power
I'll create a new world
Where you'll be an only angel
Sole Queen and all adore
But I own this, I'll give it all
Love is the greatest ornament
Give it only to valuers
One who will keep it clean
Place it for the world to see
Care for it for its character
Fragility is her traits
Don't hurt whoever brings it
But know the truth from others
Its genuineness is everything
Just all you need
The world is an art
Craft yours enviable
Add colours to your work
Create and recreate it
Make it dazzling and charming
Define your concepts
Let no other give you meaning
Determine your system
Rule it till you transit
Life is an imagination
Create your perceptions
Nothing is all bad
Nothing is all good
A little here and there
Just let the good get more
Just predominantly good
Everything here is an idea
Get creative, get a tall dream
Fear is a coward
A coward that kills warriors
But the brave and courageous
With ideas, you own a world
Make it fearsome and giant
You're the power of the world
Don't fail and don't faint
Fasten your grip
Lift it in your palm
Wear a garment of zeal
Let it flow without vice
The world is your field
Play all your wish
Do so with all wisdom
With knowledge of limits
And the boundaries marked
Honour is good
Don't trade yours
Hold fast and don't let go
Pride is admirable
Much so in wisdom
But moderation is key
Unlock love from admiration
Only wisdom can help
Take wisdom as blood and
Only blood and water
Build your substance with it
Respect is a virtue
When done with courage
Your choice and conviction
Do it with all humility
To grey hair and quick limbs
But let wisdom guide
Never timid and never brash
Always sing your name
Call it all mornings
Wake all days with its sounding
Soothe your sleep with it
It's a great gift from my heart
Make it your creed
Make it your statute
Day and night, keep it
All you need is in it
May your wisdom
Blossom beyond pride
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