Why African Leaders Turn Thieves. By KEMKA S. IBEJI

It is very obvious that the west especially the merchants from Europe did not come to Africa for the good of African people. This is not really their fault but the systemic problem of the substructure upon which the superstructure of their society is constructed and placed.

The principles of capitalism keep the lord of the means of production in a position that blindfolds his or her conscience. In this system, the man who milks the cow does not care about the state of the cow. Whether it is dying or in serious anguish is very inconsequential to the man who wants the milk. That the cow is crying unto death makes no sense to the milking man.

In the above picture, Africa is the cow while the merchants from Europe are the milk men. It is now obvious why the relationship was built the way it grew.

The demarcations of African nations were arbitrarily done with a mindset to keep Africa perpetually sick towards death or eternally ailing. Administrative units known to the locals were exterminated or divisively weakened. The new nations that emerged in postcolonial Africa are either a gathering of strange destroyers or a population of approximately empty strength.

Beyond the foregoing, the merchants needed to keep their farmlands (in this case Africa) and their slaves in continued servitude. Since they were being forced to leave, they smartly had to contrive a means to make themselves some sort of absentee slave masters.

To achieve the above status, they searched painstakingly, got and enthroned the gravest mediocrity as African leadership. How they were able to achieve this has bothered minds over time but it is really not an issue to worry about since they were in possession of every necessary screw drivers to engineer an African society of their choice as they go.

The Europeans made sure that it will be impossible for those who really think well to rule or govern Africa especially when they must have left. They turned census figures to stand on their heads, made boundaries that will kill her inhabitants and recreated humans whose existence will imperil their neighbors.

Those whose societies are destroyed but left with ruins of their value systems have a life to rebuild. We may simply say that they are left with hope of existence no matter how long it will take them to regain life. At least they have some ingredients of resuscitation and reinvigoration in them. Africa was utterly denied of such air of hope or the Europeans did not have an agenda to allow Africa any hope of life of their own except that they might only exist just to serve them. In order to keep the Africans in the limbo of everlasting obscurity, the European merchants who occupied Africa for nearly over a century tried to obliterate all relics of African value system.

The uninvited guests to Africa raped African morality, desecrated religious and worship centers and symbols, desacralized sacred places and committed all sorts of unthinkable, atrocious and unforgettable taboos and sacrilege against their innocuous hosts.

African worship system was tagged fetishism, animism, totemism or paganism. All denigrating concepts were employed in an unholy quest to brand Africa and her value system in crassly bad and unacceptable image. African culture was made unsalable while her people were dehumanized.

Once the value system has been slaughtered, the society became like a body whose immune system has been debilitated. The result is usually expressible with the popular phrase "anything goes". Anything was ready to go in African leadership especially.

Our God given natural resources, our Agricultural products, our professional and skilled manpower, human capital and resources were now being willingly loaded and shipped to the whiteman's land. These are shipped to them in sore devalued forms. The whites gain employment enmass by this shipments, have opportunities to create and add values or worth to the raw materials, exercise their transport system from rails through land, air and sea. In final analysis, they push down the pressure of costs back to Africa.

The crumbs that fall off the dinning tables of these debased whites become the objects of serious scampering for African leaders. What a shame!

What is left for the Africans to suffer is a leadership that is dead and buried in the light of creativity and innovativeness. Such leaders who know nothing but all strands and shapes of corruption. Those who cannot think of investment and any form of production. These class of people gather anything possible, pack millions and billions of dollars or pounds in underground warehouses, cars packed in bushes and money piled into pits dug in their living rooms.

What a ridiculous gang of servants akin in mind and thinking to the parable of the foolish servant and the talent. Even Christ Himself in the parable stated that the servant was cursed and condemned by his master. If such a servant whose only sin was just not multiplying his given talent was cursed and condemned, what do you think of these African leaders who embezzle the talents with all wantonness?

Bad and devilish servants we have in our hands here in Africa!

No creative mind keeps money idle because money is a worker. How can a human being store money in pits and warehouses? Where has investment gone to? What about industry and industrialization? What is wrong with refining and addition of value and mixing of labour? What happened to employment and its creation?

In Nigeria, the whites explore the crude oil, calibrate the quantity, set the price, establish discounts, ship the raw materials with all attendant byproducts and all manner of jobs or employment to their land.

The experience here is very horrible and unimaginable. When one does not know how to multiply value, the rest is in the negative. When a mind is lazy, docile and stunted, the sufficient and necessary followup is usually stealing, robbery and all patterns of wrong and illicit obtaining. This is the clearest picture of African leadership today. They are simply not creative, very lazy, idle minds and perverted hearts. Do we therefore need anymore definitions to their corrupt lifestyles than to reecho the known cliché which asserts that "an idle mind is a devil's workshop".

Our readers today, if no other thing, are better aware of whose workshop these class of African leaders are.

To this calling end, all Africans across the globe are therefore encouraged to take up the arms of their thumbs whenever and wherever elections are allowed in Africa to do the needful. Arise and raise your voices against those who oppress you within. All relics and remnants of white overlordship on Africa and her people must henceforth be rejected. Nobody should have the right to ride on the intelligence and rights of the people of Africa anymore.

Together therefore we shall lead the front to the condemnation of all sorts of corruption by leaders who are, at best, appointed servants of the people. Africa today must take a decisive decision to make sure that their own thinkers should craft their policies, adjudicate their cases and administer their common will in their commonwealth.

Africa arise!



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