
Showing posts from December, 2014

In the Very Memory of My Birth and Such a Day...

KEMKA S. IBEJI The singsong blasts golden The jazz frames lovely and alluring The prayers sound fulfilled and gladdening What a life to have and to live even as it grows When my eyes are lit with the glories of the unknown Just as the love of virgins and the prayers of saints My heart is warmed of the adore of the gods My ways are fashioned with the favours of the greatest As the heavens wake with awe and the charm of all As the dreams grow into life and reality Carry me with your grace never imagined Tend me with the mercies of infants and the joy of beloved That my eyes may see the abundance of your compassion Create me with a wondrous spirit... And let me see the marvels of your being Set me on the path of immensity that the world may drink therefrom Humble Kings and Queens at my doorstep But raise the downtrodden with my hands Paint my fame in gold and bring your servants to the service Form me with love and wisdom and take no knowledge...

Just on my Birthday...

KEMKA S. IBEJI When I raise my head towards the wonders that life presents When I make an inquest into the onslaught of the unwise When I consider the heavens and earth, pondering upon the wonders that be When I search into the hearts of reality and knowledge I am humbled to ask; who am I that the Supreme Beings and Forces are mindful of me? Unbeknown to me, the world has been set beneath my feet and the heavens listen to my counsel. How the world tremble at the surging existence of that reality that charms, What most saints looked upto and it failed them and the wise broken to pieces of null. Who am I and what am I carved of? Lo and behold the days of greatness beckons ferociously and with no chance of NO. Let the KINGS come to this occasion and let all QUEENS rejoice with me. The sky is brightened with cheers and the gates of lack smacked ajar. Brighten my life thou spirit of renewal... The chains of non-success rented asunder and the razors of weak...


PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA COME 2015 Don’t argue against it because you will lack the reasons to push it down and out of reality. I will help your satirical admiration of the moment; yes he (Buhari) has failed three times. You must be either smiling happily or laughing loudly. If you allow me I can laugh even more at such happenings but it sure will really be when am convinced it is madness. This does not strike me with any seeming tenor. Permit me to take you a bit round why you should think twice when you wish to see Buhari as a failure even as he comes in surging rave come 2015. My story is an exposure of those who have gone through the wilderness where Buhari finds himself for a decade of our budding democracy. Yes Buhari has failed a third time but can remember these few instances thus; Harland David Sanders: Perhaps better known as Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame, Sanders had a hard time selling his chicken at first. In fact, his ...