In the Very Memory of My Birth and Such a Day...

KEMKA S. IBEJI The singsong blasts golden The jazz frames lovely and alluring The prayers sound fulfilled and gladdening What a life to have and to live even as it grows When my eyes are lit with the glories of the unknown Just as the love of virgins and the prayers of saints My heart is warmed of the adore of the gods My ways are fashioned with the favours of the greatest As the heavens wake with awe and the charm of all As the dreams grow into life and reality Carry me with your grace never imagined Tend me with the mercies of infants and the joy of beloved That my eyes may see the abundance of your compassion Create me with a wondrous spirit... And let me see the marvels of your being Set me on the path of immensity that the world may drink therefrom Humble Kings and Queens at my doorstep But raise the downtrodden with my hands Paint my fame in gold and bring your servants to the service Form me with love and wisdom and take no knowledge...